Intelligent Transportation Systems
Transportation planning organizations, like the Volusia-Flagler TPO, are challenged to address increasing mobility and safety needs with limited financial resources. In order to meet this challenge, it is necessary to use our limited financial resources to optimize the operations of the existing transportation infrastructure. This is the focus of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS).
What Are Intelligent Transportation Systems?
Intelligent Transportation Systems apply advanced sensors, computers, electronics, communication technologies, and management strategies – in an integrated manner – to improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system. A program focused on ITS addresses reliability problems by implementing a set of strategies preparing for, and responding to, specific causes of unexpected delay and disruption, crashes, breakdowns, weather, construction, poorly timed signals, and special events — which, together, amount to more than half of roadway travel delays and unpredictability.
The public is aware of some of these ITS strategies including Dynamic Message Signs, 511 traveler information services, and freeway service patrols to address unexpected delays. Reliable traveler information and coordination with incident responders within the roadways are key components of any ITS program. This integration is achieved through Traffic Monitoring Centers (TMCs) where traffic conditions are monitored by operations personnel. In order for operations personnel to provide information to the public, monitor conditions, and coordinate with other agencies, ITS infrastructure needs to be in place. ITS infrastructure is essential to communication, and communication is the bedrock of any ITS program. Agency protocol, firewalls, and software incompatibility are roadblocks to inter-agency communication.
Connected and Automated Vehicle Readiness Study Technology Transition Plan
The Volusia-Flagler TPO is preparing for the impacts of transformational technologies (including connected and automated vehicles) and the opportunities created by new applications of these technologies through the production of this planning project. In 2020, the TPO began the project by conducting a thorough review of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) readiness, including an assessment of the region’s preparedness to adopt and adapt to new technologies and mobility solutions. The results of the assessment are combined with industry expert recommendations to form this Technology Transition Plan (TTP). This TTP outlines the TPO’s goals and objectives for adopting and adapting to transformational transportation technologies. This TTP also provides decision-maker guidance for updating policies and procedures to keep pace with rapidly evolving technology. Most importantly, the TTP outlines a transition plan that is specific to the Volusia-Flagler TPO planning area for adopting transformational technologies at the local community level and for incorporating new transportation technologies into regional plans, land development codes, and funding.
CAV Technology Transition Plan (Adopted 06-24-20)
River To Sea TPO ITS Master Plan – Phase 1
A successful ITS deployment begins with an ITS Master Plan that identifies transportation issues and opportunities best addressed by ITS strategies, determines what strategies are most appropriate, and prioritizes them. ITS technologies are advancing rapidly. Rapid change offers opportunities to carry out desired functions of ITS cheaper and more efficiently. On the other hand, it can present difficult investment decisions for public agencies, especially with regard to the level of risk existing with new methods and technologies. An ITS Master Plan can help coordinate compatible technologies among transportation agencies in the service area. This will help alleviate the problems resulting from incompatible devices, unproven products, and develop a unified approach to addressing new technologies as they are developed.
The TPO Board approved Phase 1 of an ITS Master Plan on August 24, 2016. The objective of the first phase was to develop an ITS vision, goals and objectives for the TPO planning area, to inventory and evaluate existing and proposed ITS elements and organizational and functional relationships, and to identify and assess transportation-related issues that could potentially benefit from the deployment of ITS projects and/or strategies.
River to Sea ITS Master Plan – Phase 1: Executive Summary
It is expected that a subsequent phase or phases will be conducted to identify and recommend candidate ITS projects and/or strategies that will most effectively resolve or mitigate the transportation-related issues identified in Phase 1, and will prescribe an implementation strategy that addresses project prioritization, agency responsibilities, staffing requirements, inter-agency agreements, and potential funding sources.
River To Sea TPO TSM&O Master Plan – Phase 2
Through the development of Phase 2 of the TSM&O Master Plan, the River to Sea TPO, with support from the FDOT and local agencies, has positioned itself to satisfy the vision of improving safety; facilitate the movement of goods and people; and enhance the transportation system’s efficiency, sustainability, and reliability through the deployment of advanced technology and interagency coordination to maximize the transportation system’s utilization.
River to Sea TSM&O Master Plan – Phase 2 (adopted 06-27-18)
CIP Phase I – Assessment of US1/SR5
In an effort to maximize the effectiveness of existing corridors and recognize changing local conditions, the TPO has undertaken a series of corridor implementation studies that will provide an assessment of some of our primary transportation corridors. The TPO, in partnership with Volusia County, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Votran, and all the jurisdictions along the corridor has worked together on a collection and analysis of all transportation studies previously undertaken on US1/SR5 from the Brevard County line to I-95 in Ormond Beach.
CIP Phase I – Assessment of US1/SR5 Final Report
Interactive Map
CIP Phase II – Corridor Review of US1/SR5
US 1 has been the subject of more than 140 studies and plans over the past 15 years, ranging from contrasting proposals to widen the roadway to plans to redevelop it as a complete street and enhance bicycle, pedestrian and transit travel. Phase I of this study compiled all previous studies and developed a database of current and proposed projects associated with US 1. Additionally, goals and objectives for US 1 were determined through close work with a corridor-wide working group. One conclusion of Phase I was the desire to improve multi-modal travel (including bicycle, pedestrian and transit travel) along and across US 1.
Phase II was undertaken to build upon these results and to determine the most effective way for US 1 to better serve bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit while still maintaining suitable automobile capacity. The study considers the local jurisdictions’ plans, desires and future visions and the function of US 1 from both corridor-wide and regional perspectives.
US1 CIP Phase II Final Summary Document (4-29-14)
US 17 Corridor Improvement Program (CIP) Phase II
Phase II of the US 17 Corridor Improvement Program was completed in August 2016. This phase builds on the efforts of Phase I to develop and evaluate project recommendations to improve safety and mobility for all persons traveling the corridor.
Phase II integrates input obtained from a public outreach process with a comprehensive analysis of the information compiled under Phase I. Corridor character districts were identified based on the existing land use and the collective future desired character of the US 17 corridor. The purpose and function of each character district were identified to recognize the different mobility and land use contexts found along the corridor. The character districts, corridor needs, community desires, and data analyses were used to inform the development of project alternatives aimed at improving mobility and modal choice, accessibility, and safety.
The project alternatives were evaluated using a high-level screening process to identify the feasibility, costs, impacts, and benefits of each proposed project. To objectively evaluate the project alternatives, a series of qualitative and quantitative evaluation criteria were developed and applied to each proposed project to provide an initial ranking. The project alternatives and initial ranking were presented at a public workshop, and subsequently adjusted based on received input.
The final report, including the technical memorandums, can be downloaded here:
US 17 Multimodal Corridor Study Phase II (Adopted August 24, 2016)
US 17 Stakeholder Workshop (April 2016)
Corridor Improvement Program (CIP) Phase I – Assessment of US17/92
In an effort to maximize the effectiveness of existing corridors and recognize changing local conditions, the Volusia TPO (VTPO) has undertaken a series of corridor implementation studies that will provide an assessment of some of our primary transportation corridors. The VTPO, in partnership with Volusia County, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Votran, and all the jurisdictions along the corridor have worked together on a collection and analysis of all transportation studies previously undertaken on US 17/92 from the Seminole County line to Putnam County line.
CIP Phase I – Assessment of US 17/92 Report
CIP Phase I US 17/92 – Interactive Map
Kick-off Meeting Agenda
(July 11, 2012)
Kick-off Meeting Presentation
Workshop #1 – October 9, 2012 Agenda
Workshop #2 – January 9, 2013 Agenda
Presentation to Committees (October 2012)
Presentation to the TCC & CAC (January 15, 2013)
Presentation to the TPO Board (January 22, 2013)
Crash Analysis Report
River to Sea TPO Crash Analysis Report (Adopted 09-27-17)
Roadway Safety Evaluation & Improvement Study
Roadway Safety Evaluation & Improvement Study (adopted 09-26-18)
Traffic Operations/Safety Feasibility Studies:
Belle Terre Blvd Pkwy Intersections Analysis Final Report (Feb 2016)
Big Tree and Golfview (April 2012)
Clyde Morris Blvd Right- Turn Lane Improvements Final Report (04-25-20)
Countywide Emergency Vehicle Preemption Study for Volusia County [7-30-09]
Dunlawton-S.SwallowTail EB RT Lane Feasibility Study Final Report
Dunlawton Ave Extension of Existing Left-Turn Lanes Final Report (04-28-20)
Highway A1A – Daytona Beach Shores
Madeline Ave Feasibility Study Final Report (04-22-2022)
Old Mission and Park (10-20-2011)
Pierson – Safety Traffic Flow Improvement Study (Washington Ave)
Reed Canal and Sauls (10-28-2011)
Safety and Traffic Flow Improvement Study for US 17 at Washington Av (July 2009)
South Atlantic Ave Pedestrian Safety Study (01-09-12)
SR 100 at Seminole Woods Parkway Intersection Analysis
SR 15A/Beresford Ave/S Spring Garden Ave Intersection Improvements Final Report (04-19-21)
SR 421 at SR 5A Intersection Analysis – Final (3-27-17)
SR 421 at Clyde Morris Blvd Intersection Analysis – Final (4-13-17)
SR 44 & Mission Dr Alternative Intersection Design Final Report
Taylor Road-Dunlawton Ave (SR421) Lighting Justification Report
Taylor Rd at Williamson Blvd Intersection and Taylor Rd/Dunlawton Ave Corridor at I-95 Final Report (06-15-20)
US 1 at Turgot Ave (Jan 16) – FINAL
US 17/92 at Dirksen Drive Intersection Feasibility Study Final Report (6-28-19)
US 92 at Garfield Avenue Intersection Analysis Final (4-10-17)
US 92 from US 17 to Garfield – Corridor Analysis Final (4-10-17)
FDOT Traffic Ops/Safety Studies:
73030000 MP 3 890-3 942 ped QA ar 3rd St S
79010000 MP 15.659 SQA 201111 SR 5 (US 1) at Park Ave
79010000 MP 27 573 SQA 201112 US 1 at SR 421_SR A1A (Dunlawton)
79010000 MP 27 720 SQA 201112 US 1 @ Herbert St
SR 44 Corridor Management Plan – Final Recommendations Memo
Reports/Studies/Analyses etc.
Bike Florida 2010 Economic Impact Report
Final Report
Facilities Profile
Recommendations and Solutions
Needs Assessment
Future Year Commodity Flow Profile
Current Year Commodity Flow Profile
Air Cargo Profile and Forecast
ECRRT PD&E Final (August 2010)
Ped Crosswalk Research Study-CRA1A & Atlantic Ave.(Feb 2010)
River of Lakes Heritage Corridor Community Visioning Report (Nov. 2010)
Southeast Volusia Regional Transportation Study (Draft dated – Jan. 2008)
St. Johns River to Sea Loop Report (09-19-11)
South Atlantic Avenue Pedestrian Safety Study (01-09-12)
SR 421-I 95 Interchange Analysis (Jan 2009)
SR 415 -PD&E Study
SR 417 Extension Study (June 2003)
SR 44 Final Future Traffic Conditions Tech Memo
SR 40 Transportation Feasibility Study (August 2008)
SR 483 Project Traffic Existing & Future Conditions Report (August 2005)
SR 483 Preliminary Engineering Report (August 2006)
SR 5 (US 1) AIS Final (June 1999)
Transit Alternate Funding Options Study (May 2011)
Volusia County Traffic Signal System Upgrade Report (August 2010)
VTPO – Elderly Transportation Study (Nov. 2006)
VTPO – Transit Corridor Feasibility Analysis Study (March 2009)
Volusia Countywide Emergency Vehicle Preemption Study (8-10-09)
Votran – East Side Transit Study (June 2009)
Votran – Integrated Sustainability Implementation Plan (August 2010)
Votran -Transit Development Design Guidelines (Adopted 02-26-08)
City of Daytona Beach Area Wide Traffic Study (Jan. 2008)
N. Ridgewood Overlay (Daytona Beach)
Daytona Airport Connector FDOT-SIS Connectors Assessment
Daytona Greyhound Connector FDOT-SIS Highway Connectors Assessment
Daytona Beach Shores Comp Plan
Edgewater Comprehensive Plan
City of Edgewater Dirt Road Reduction Plan (June 27,2008)
Edgewater Concurrency Report (2008)
Holly Hill Comprehensive Plan(September 2010)
Holly Hill -CRA Master Plan (Oct 2007)
New Smyrna Beach -Comprehensive Plan (2011)
New Smyrna Beach-CRA Master Plan Update (2010)
Ormond Bch Downtown Design Guidelines
Ormond Bch – CRA Master Plan Update
Ormond Bch Downtown District Overlay
Ormond Bch Comp Plan (2025)
Ormond Bch DOD Dist. Regulating Plan
Port Orange Comp Plan – Trans. Mobility Element
South Daytona CRA Master Plan (June 2008)
South Daytona CRA Report (March2011)
Volusia County Comp Plan -Chapter 2 Transportation Element