Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board – TDLCB

  • Overview
  • Bylaws
  • Members
  • Agendas
  • Minutes
  • Audio


The primary purpose of the Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (TDLCB) is to assist the designated Official Planning Agency (River to Sea TPO) in identifying local service needs and providing information, advice and direction to the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) (Votran) on the coordination of services to be provided to the transportation disadvantaged pursuant to Chapter 427.0157, Florida Statutes.

The TDLCB meets quarterly at Votran. In 2024, the TDLCB will meet at 10:00 a.m. on January 10, April 10, July 10 and October 9.

The TDLCB has two standing committees: the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) and the Grievance Committee (GC).  The QAC is responsible for the update of the TDLCB Bylaws and coordinates with Votran in reviewing and establishing standards to provide a more efficient system. Reviews include, but are not limited to, the annual CTC Evaluation and the Annual Operating Report (AOR).

The primary purpose of the Grievance Committee (GC) is to process and investigate complaints from agencies and users of the transit system in the designated service area and make recommendations to the TDLCB for improvement of service. This procedure is made available to agencies with Purchase of Service Agreements (POS) contracts, users, or potential users of the system in Volusia County to hear complaints and provide a mechanism for issues to be brought before the Grievance Committee which meets as often as necessary to address unresolved complaints in a timely manner.  This committee also reviews and updates the TDLCB Grievance Procedures.

If you have an interest in serving on the TDLCB, please fill out the form below and forward it to

TDLCB Interest Form


TDLCB Bylaws (Adopted 7-12-23)

TDLCB Grievance Procedures (adopted 04-10-24)



Voting Members

  • FDOT Carlos Colon
    Jamie Ledgerwood (alternate)
  • Department of Children & Families Christy Gillis
    Todd Banks (alternate)
  • Public Education Community Jennifer Fowler
  • Veterans Services Group Robert Watson
    Scott Olson (alternate)
  • Disabled Citizens Judy Craig
    Mary Tyson (alternate) - TDLCB Vice Chairperson
  • Citizens Advocates Jean Cerullo
  • Citizens Advocates, System User Patricia Lipovsky
  • Elderly Citizens Doug Hall
  • Council for Early Childhood Services Beverly Johnson
    DJ Lebo (alternate)
  • Volusia County Volusia County Council Member Matt Reinhart - Chairperson
  • Elder Affairs Ellen Labadie
  • Association of Community Action Carmen Hall
  • Health Care Administration Emilio Santiago
    Cartier Murrill (alternate)
  • Work Force Development Board Robin King
    Kathy Spencer (alternate)
  • Medical Community - Department of Health Stephen Civitelli
    Benjamin Juengst (alternate)
  • Private-for-Profit Steve Jack
  • Florida Department of Education (Vocational Rehabilitation Services) Cynthia Tucker
    Susan Pauly (alternate)
  • Agency for Persons with Disabilities Sheryl Dick-Stanford
    Sylvia Bamburg (alternate)

Non-Voting Members

  • Volusia County Transit Services Division Ralf Heseler
    Jacob Lunceford (alternate)
  • River to Sea TPO Stephan Harris



07-10-24 TDLCB Agenda

Join the meeting now

Dial-in by phone:
+1 561-484-5911    146481907# United States, West Palm Beach

04-10-2024 Grievance Committee Agenda
04-10-2024 TDLCB Agenda
04-10-2024 GC & TDLCB Slide Deck

Join the Grievance Committee & TDLCB meetings on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only):
+1 561-484-5911    560830178#   United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 560 830 178#
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01-10-2024 QAC Agenda
01-10-2024 TDLCB Agenda
01-10-24 TDLCB Handouts
01-10-24 QAC-TDLCB Slide Deck

Join the QAC & TDLCB meetings on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only):
+1 561-484-5911   403765518#   United States, West Palm Beach
Phone Conference ID: 403 765 518#
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10-18-23 QAC Agenda
10-18-23 TDLCB Agenda
10-18-23 Public Hearing Agenda
QAC-TDLCB-TD Public Hearing Slide Deck

Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911,,78198032#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 781 980 32#

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07-12-23 QAC Agenda
07-12-23 TDLCB Agenda
07-12-23 QAC-TDLCB Meeting Slides

Join the TDLCB Meeting on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911    676252526#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 676 252 526#

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04-12-23 Grievance Committee Agenda
04-12-23 TDLCB Agenda

Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911     8366373#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 836 637 3#

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01-11-2023 TDLCB Agenda
B Votran Service Update
Revised 2023 DRAFT CTC Evaluation
2023 TDLCB member training
TDLCB Parliamentary Procedures Presentation
2022-23 TDLCB Member Listing

*Please note that a physical quorum is required for each meeting.  All others are asked to attend remotely*

Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911    706810031#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 706 810 031#

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10-12-22 QAC Agenda
10-12-2022 TDLCB Agenda
Revised AOR-Complete Operations Report
C AOR-Votran Complete Operations Report
10-12-22 Public Hearing Agenda

*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting.  All others are asked to attend remotely*

Join the TDLCB Meeting on your computer, mobile app, or room device:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911   58731151#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 587 311 51#

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07-13-22 QAC Agenda
07-13-2022 TDLCB Agenda
TDSP 2022 Annual Update-marked
*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting.  All others are asked to attend remotely.

Join the QAC and TDLCB Meeting on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911    586353924#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 586 353 924#

Find a local number | Reset PIN

04-13-2022 Grievance Committee Agenda
04-13-2022 TDLCB Agenda

*Please note that a physical quorum is required for this meeting.  All others are asked to attend remotely.

Join the Grievance Committee & TDLCB Meetings on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meetings

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911     766806322#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 766 806 322#

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01-12-2022 TDLCB Agenda

*Please note that a physical quorum is required for the meeting.  All others are asked to attend remotely.

Join the TDLCB meeting on your computer or mobile app:

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+1 561-484-5911     701776128#   United States, West Palm Beach

Phone Conference ID: 701 776 128#

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01-10-24 TDLCB Minutes


01-11-23 TLDCB Minutes
01-11-23 QAC Minutes
04-12-23 TDLCB Minutes
04-12-23 Grievance Committee Minutes
07-12-23 TDLCB Minutes
07-12-23 QAC Minutes
10-18-23 TDLCB Minutes
10-18-23 QAC Minutes
10-18-23 TD Public Hearing Minutes


Due to their large file size, Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (TDLCB) meeting audio files are available by contacting TPO staff at